4 Mishaps to Avoid When Cleaning Your Drains At Home

When you have draining issues at home, it is common to do everything you can to avoid calling a plumber to save money and avoid the hassle. Using Drainbo’s safe, all-natural drain cleaner is extremely effective without any of the dangers of most drain cleaners. However, there are still frequent mishaps we understand are happening that you should circumvent to avoid more major problems with your plumbing. Shop Drainbo for all of your sewage, drainage, and plumbing needs, and keep reading to learn about some common troubles people encounter when cleaning their drains at home.

Person wearing a yellow glove pouring drain cleaner down a sink drain

Using Chemical Drain Cleaners

Most commercial drain cleaners have harsh chemicals and advertise to help clear your drains to avoid the need for a plumber. Be wary, however, because it is likely you may have even more necessity for drain work. Due to the ineffectiveness of chemical cleaners and the damage they have on your pipes, your drainage system may develop leaks or break down altogether.

Kitchen sink full of water and food pieces

Foreign Objects in Drain

If you suspect that something is clogging your drain, it is important that you refrain from shoving a coat hanger or kitchen knife down the drain to remove the clog. Without visibility or knowledge of drains or the clog, you could cause further issues. Even worse, you could get the makeshift tool stuck in the pipe and create a bigger problem.

Toddler playing over a toilet

Flushing Properly

If you have children or were simply unaware, it’s crucial to pay attention to what goes down your toilet drain and other pipes. Plumbing systems are not constructed to handle most paper or other disposable products. Be sure to flush and dispose of all paper and disposable items properly and in the event that there is a clog, only use natural Drainbo drain clearers.

Man turning on a sink faucet

Added Water Pressure

A common misconception about unclogging drains is that they can be removed with added water pressure. In reality, all this actually does is cause further damage to your pipes and create a greater hassle. Stick to the safe, all-natural drain cleaning properties of Drainbo to get the job done.

Drainbo’s safe, all-natural drain cleaners have been specifically formulated to consume most everything that goes down our residential drains to keep them running free, clear, and safe for our environment. Avoiding the above mishaps and using Drainbo once a month, or every other month, this bathroom drain cleaner can prevent future clogs from occurring. Shop the all-natural line of specially formulated products today.

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