Common Mistakes to Avoid When Using All-Natural Drain Cleaners

All-natural drain cleaners are the best way to clear your drain using safe and environmentally friendly methods. Drainbo All-Natural Drain Cleaner is safe for kids, pets, and pipes and is guaranteed to work. Avoiding a few common mistakes when using all-natural drain cleaners will ensure you get the most from your product.

pouring drain cleaner down drain

Pouring Drainbo Straight Into Your Drain

The most common mistake is pouring Drainbo All-Natural Drain Cleaner straight out of the jug and down your sink like you would a chemical drain cleaner. Drainbo products are concentrated, and you must mix them with water before use.

clogged drain

Skipping The Activation Step

Another common mistake is skipping the activation step. For the microbes in the product to activate, they need to sit in water for about 15 minutes. Be sure to mix the recommended ratio of Drainbo and water and let the mixture stand before you pour it down the drain.

hot water going down drain

Flushing It Down With Hot Water

Chemical drain cleaners can damage pipes if you let them sit too long, so usually, the instructions say to flush the product with hot water after a few minutes. Not with Drainbo! Drainbo works best if you allow it to sit in your pipes overnight and let the microbes digest the build-up. There is no need to flush with hot water.


Forgetting Regular Maintenance

Most people only turn to drain cleaning products when their drains are clogged. Instead, treat your drains every 30 – 60 days with Drainbo to help maintain clog-free pipes and avoid costly repairs.

Drainbo All-Natural Drain Cleaner is guaranteed to work on clogs when you follow the activation and treatment instructions. Get peace of mind with clog-free drains from safe products. Learn more about all-natural drain cleaners and see how you can help your home and the environment by switching to Drainbo today!