How Often Should Restaurant Drains Be Cleaned?

A functional drain is a dependable asset that we often don’t overthink about for needing maintenance. However, it can be easy to pour down the drain and walk away from staying on top of other tasks required at a restaurant. Drainbo is here with vital information about how often any restaurant drain should be cleaned. A little bit of work will save you more time, effort, money, and stress in the long run. Learn more about our all-natural drain cleaner today!





Know the Signs 

Before knowing and developing an ideal cleaning routine, check up on your drains right now! It’s easy to dismiss early signs of a clogged drain, but developing these key observation skills will help the entire restaurant and its staff run things smoothly the entire year and beyond. Of course, the most obvious telltale sign is water backing up. If you catch this early enough, a commercial drain cleaner is a viable next step to alleviate the problem.





Enough Time Before Inspection

Unclean drains will undermine any score from your health inspector. By creating a routine commercial grease trap treatment schedule, you won’t have to worry about bad scores or sinks! Not only do all-natural drain cleaners handle trap deposits of gunk, but they also eliminate foul odors that the inspector and staff would quickly pick up on.





Seasonal at Least

Developing a solid routine will keep your drains in prime condition for top year-round performance with the best tools available. With the occasional actions mentioned above, you should only need rigorous cleaning about once a season. Just make sure that you stay on top of applying your all-natural drain cleaner between those seasons to maintain a tolerable smell and prevent giant clogs.





Go Above and Beyond

Stop visual blockage and audible drain clogging sounds in their tracks with state-of-the-art commercial drain cleaner to depend on. Taking this effective first step and your seasonal cleanings will keep your drain consistently functional no matter how busy your restaurant gets!



Drainbo is the number one brand to trust for natural solutions to alleviate all drainage problems, with a track record of top-rated plumbing and commercial drain cleaners. Order Drainbo Natural Drain Cleaner and Grease Trap Treatment Today!