5 Tips for Keeping Your Kitchen Clean and Functioning

Because a lot of people are working from home now, we have all come across this problem where we find ourselves using our kitchen sink more than we usually do. It seems as though we go to the kitchen for anything that we want to eat and that leaves us thinking that our kitchen is always dirty. In this blog, we aren’t going to be talking about wiping down your countertops; we are going to focus on your sink and how those dishes seem to never end. Here are five tips on keeping your kitchen clean and functioning.

Clean as You Cook

For some of you, this might be a practice that you’ve already been doing. Regardless, doing this for every meal or snack will save you time and hassle when you clean after you eat. There is bound to be at least five minutes where you need to let your food cook, and that is the perfect time to knock out a few of the prep bowls, knives, and other kitchenware. If you aren’t already doing this, you should try it out and see how productive you feel and how much easier cleaning is after cooking.

Empty Your Dish Rack Before You Wash Dishes

Let’s be honest, there are a lot of people out there that have a mountain of dishes stacked right now that are already dry, and they’re just waiting to be put back or used again. To make your space cleaner, less cluttered, and more convenient for you, emptying the dish rack before you do your dishes will save space and get rid of that clutter.

Clean Your Pots First Instead of Leaving Them to Soak

As far as inconvenient cleaning regarding the kitchen goes, cleaning out your pots and pans is definitely fighting for the first place spot. In the past, when we weren’t in our homes all the time, we could leave those pots and pans to soak and clean them at our convenience. Although that still might be the case, getting them out of the way will give you some elbow room, and when you have to use them again, they’re there, ready for action.

Empty Your Sink After Every Meal

Although this seems strict, cleaning up your dishes after you eat your meal will save time and clutter in the future. Even if it’s just you leaving dirty dishes out for later, the pile at the end of the day can be overwhelming and hard to work around. Your stacks of pots and plates from meals, snacks, and smoothies throughout the day are going to make it challenging to cook dinner, and it will take you longer to maintain that clean, empty kitchen sink.

Use Drainbo® to Keep Your Sink Running Efficiently

Although, being around your kitchen more often than you’re used to can potentially cause some drainage issues. It could be food, grease, or other types of food-related substance clogging up your drains. We recommend avoiding chemically-based drain cleaner products. Instead, use an all-natural drain cleaner like Drainbo®. Drainbo® uses only natural ingredients and can even be used as your go-to grease drain cleaner. This will help the process of cleaning your dishes run as smoothly as possible. Learn more about Drainbo’s natural drain cleaner here!

About Drainbo®

Drainbo® is dedicated to providing households and businesses throughout the United States with an all-natural drain cleaner. The Drainbo® Natural Drain Cleaner is environmentally safe and a non-toxic drain cleaner product that is as effective as chemical cleaners, just without the hazards to the environment associated with other conventional cleaning products. You can find Drainbo® at your local Ace Hardware, Home Depot, Fred Meyer, and Grove. Learn more about our all-natural cleaning products here, and if you have any questions, please feel free to contact us today!