Why You Should Choose An All-Natural Drain Cleaner Product

For a lot of homeowners, when it comes to clogged drains, a chemical-based drain cleaner is usually the go-to. This has been the case for years now, but chemically-based drain cleaners can cause more damage to your drain than good. In this blog, Drainbo is going to go over why you shouldn’t use chemically-based drain cleaners and instead use an all-natural drain cleaner product.

How Chemicals Harm Your Pipes

You can find chemical drain cleaners in liquid, gel, foam, crystal, and powder form, and they all work in the same way. When it comes to chemical cleaners, you pour the drain cleaner down your sink or bathtub. Then, the chemicals react with the contents of the clog and cause a chemical reaction that usually generates heat. This heat can dissolve or liquefy the clog so that it can slide down your drain. However, that heat doesn’t just affect the clog; it can also affect the pipes, especially if made of plastic or your home or business has older piping.

Potential Problems Using a Chemical Cleaner

Health Hazard

There are many situations where chemical drain cleaning products create harmful fumes. Improper use of a chemical drain cleaner can cause future health problems and can leave people feeling nauseous after using a chemical cleaner. The same chemicals that can dissolve tough clogs in only a matter of minutes can also severely burn you if they come into contact with your skin. Breathing in those fumes can also cause future health problems.

Drainbo uses only natural ingredients that are a lot safer to use around the house or business. You won’t have to worry about finishing cleaning the drain with a headache.


Keep in mind that the chemicals in a drain cleaning solution are designed to be strong enough to cut through hair, grease, and more. Although this is effective temporarily, that means the chemicals are also strong enough to corrode your pipes, and if you use that cleaner often, you will have to replace your pipes, which can be problematic and pricey.

The advantage of an all-natural drain cleaner like Drainbo is that it is strong enough to tackle grime, like hair and other residues, without damaging your plumbing.

Environmental Hazard

Every pipe eventually leads to a water source, and every used bottle eventually makes its way to a landfill. The chemicals being dumped into these two sources can have a negative impact on our environment.

Drainbo was created with the environment in mind. Our drain cleaner is environmentally friendly and doesn’t put harsh chemicals in our environment.

Not Always Effective

There are a lot of chemical drain cleaners out there, and it is not promised that all of them will work. It’s common for homeowners and businesses to buy multiple drain cleaners before finding an effective one.

With Drainbo, we have tested our products countless times to help provide the most efficient results. We are dedicated to delivering homeowner and business owners with a reliable drain cleaner.

Shop Drainbo Today

Drainbo offers a reliable all-natural cleaner online or at your local hardware store. Learn more about our drain cleaners today!